On Saturday 10th June, Magpies created a world of pure imagination as we wowed Halifax with our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed float in Halifax Gala.
From orange faced Oompa Loompas to Wonka and the chocolate river, an outstanding effort was made by both Magpies staff and members.
For months Magpies’ members have been working on all the decorations and props to transform the float into a delightful candy wonderland and it definitely paid off!
When all the floats arrived at Manor Heath Park, a Magpies stall was waiting for them. With fun games including a tombola and a Wonka themed lucky dip, as well as handmade goodies made by Magpies to sell. It was great chatting to the friendly people of Halifax.
To round off the day, the fantastic Magpie Movers performed in the arena. They put on an amazing show of several dances and as always, gathered a large crowd.
The sun shone for us all day which made the great day even better!